Monday, November 23, 2009

class list of foreshadowing in night

- Moishe the Beadle escaped from the forest and death, but comes back to Sighet, no on believed his experience.
- While in the Ghettos no one was praying for the night to end quickly.
- The Germans have penetrated the Hungarian territory.
- The Jews of Budapest had anti-Semitic acts committed against them.
- Germans infiltrated their homes, but the soldiers were nice to them.
- The Jews slowly had their rights taken away, and ultimately, the Jews were displaced into the ghettos.
- The Hungarian friend tried to warn Elie's family that danger was imminent.
- Elie's dad refused to leave and start a new life.
- Elie refused to go with a family friend into hiding and
- Separating gender in the ghetto

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