Monday, August 31, 2009

show vs telling

Telling: The room was a mess


My mom came home and started screaming at me yesterday. saying: "Oh my the clothes on the floor, your closet, and it looks like you haven't dusted in weeks. Pick this up now"!

Telling: It was boring


Watching the sun get higher and higher in the sky has become a new hobbie of mine. Doing absolutly nothing on these long summer days has finally gotten the best of me. I can no longer think of anything fun to do.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

ten things about me

1. getting Baylee the dog when I was 3
2. in k-4 meeting Emma Anderson for the first time
3. 2nd grade my mom made me get a boy haircut
4. in fourth I was a farmer in a play about the 10 commandments
5. fifth grade i was the tallest girl in the class
6. when i was 13 i had surgery above my eye
7. ran a half-marathon Hawaii 8th grade summer
8. made honor roll all through grade school
9. first day of high school
10. broke the freshman record for the 4 by 8 relay