Monday, November 30, 2009

2.Dehumanization is the process of reducing the worth of a human by making one feel inferior or less than human. Explain what steps the Nazis went through to dehumanize the prisoners at the camp.

-The ghettos were the beginning
-Then when the Jews were transported to the concentration in the cramped cattle car
-They were let out of the cars, and talked to by the Sargent and told to be scared.
All of the women and children went one way and all of the older men and boys another.
Elie and his father thought that they were walking to there death they passed a hole of burning babies and then a hole of burning adults. Then were taken to another hole that was burning and thought that they would be sent into it, but soon found out that was not the case.
Next they were taken to the barber to get ALL of there hair cut of and striped of there clothes except shoes and their belts.
Then they were released into field I think. Where there were hot showers that they had to through while running and they also had to get a new pair of clothes.
They were taken into a room and beaten.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The significance of the woman who sees death is that she is seeing and no one else is believing besides her. She symbolizes the fear that everyone else should be feeling, but there not.
The fire shows not only just the people being burned, but also everything the believe in and stand for is going along with it.

Fire Symbolism
Class List
- death
- loss of freedom
- loss of spirit, hope, soul, faith
- Burned lives, memories, pasts, religion
- hatred

Monday, November 23, 2009

class list of foreshadowing in night

- Moishe the Beadle escaped from the forest and death, but comes back to Sighet, no on believed his experience.
- While in the Ghettos no one was praying for the night to end quickly.
- The Germans have penetrated the Hungarian territory.
- The Jews of Budapest had anti-Semitic acts committed against them.
- Germans infiltrated their homes, but the soldiers were nice to them.
- The Jews slowly had their rights taken away, and ultimately, the Jews were displaced into the ghettos.
- The Hungarian friend tried to warn Elie's family that danger was imminent.
- Elie's dad refused to leave and start a new life.
- Elie refused to go with a family friend into hiding and
- Separating gender in the ghetto

Foreshadowing in Night

The foreshadowing starts with the fact that it can be easily seen that his religion is not wanted. But he believes strongly in it even his own family is weary of him believing.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Scavenger hunt

- The Holocaust was a tragic slaughtering of 11 million people that took over an eleven year span. The force behind it was the Nazi's and the main target group was the Jew's along with other people too. It all started because of hate and Hitler wanted one country all in the same.

- The final solution was the plan lead by Adolf Hitler it was to make the human race equal. By having a mass killing of Jewish people. They did this by establishing ghettos and concentration camps.

- Ghettos were places in the city set aside for Jewish people to live in. They were very small and had poor living conditions. And were often kept gaurd by the German Nazi group. The Germans established 1000 Ghettos.

- The Ghettos living conditions were horrible the Jews were not aloud to listen to the radio, they were given rations of food, and there was a process called selection.


Class List of Holocaust Information

Class List of Holocaust Information:

- The Holocaust was targeted at the Jewish population
- Concentration camps existed in Europe to keep prisoners during the war.
- The camps killed, tortured, and did not feed people
- Disease struck the concentration camps often
- Victims/prisoners were given small rations of food
- The Nazi were led by Hitler
- Besides Jews, homosexuals were also targeted. The homosexuals were tied up and burned
- Dr. Mengele performed different experiment and test upon victims.He tried to make and equal society
- Civilians were unaware of the concentration camps.
- Anne Frank is one particular Victim who was in hiding during the Holocaust
- Officers and people of power were Jewish within the camp and ghettos
- Children were sent to other family members in hopes of being saved
- Hitler was trying to create the perfect race==blonde hair and blue eyes

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Activationg prior Knowledge on the Holocaust

- it was bad
- there were concentration camps
- I read Anne Frank
- Jewish people hid out in little up stairs important to hide from the Nazi's
- there were Nazi's
- lots of Jewish people were killed
- They had food rations

Thursday, November 12, 2009
