Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Scavenger hunt

- The Holocaust was a tragic slaughtering of 11 million people that took over an eleven year span. The force behind it was the Nazi's and the main target group was the Jew's along with other people too. It all started because of hate and Hitler wanted one country all in the same.

- The final solution was the plan lead by Adolf Hitler it was to make the human race equal. By having a mass killing of Jewish people. They did this by establishing ghettos and concentration camps.

- Ghettos were places in the city set aside for Jewish people to live in. They were very small and had poor living conditions. And were often kept gaurd by the German Nazi group. The Germans established 1000 Ghettos.

- The Ghettos living conditions were horrible the Jews were not aloud to listen to the radio, they were given rations of food, and there was a process called selection.


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